Sunday, March 15, 2009


The leopard is most easily recognised by its patterned coat and extremely long, darker tail. This large cat is sometimes confused in appearance with the South American the leopard though is less stocky and unlike the jaguar, its rosette markings are generally smaller and have no internal spots. The overall size of the leopard depends very much on the subspecies and location, with the largest animals growing to a length of nearly 5 feet with an additional tail length of some 3 feet - generally the male is between 20-40% larger than the female. The base coloration of the coat also varies greatly depending upon location, ranging from golden, cream in desert areas to deep gold in mountain and forest regions. All black or leopards, sometimes commonly called ‘Black Panthers’ are born in the same litter as normally marked cats and also carry the rosette markings, although these are masked by the darkness of the fur. It has been observed that the melantistic leopard is most generally found in the dense, wet forested areas of India and south east Asia, where the coloration advantages the cat in its hunting

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot. you should take attention on the following phrases and words.
    It will be great if you completed the passage.

    1. The leopard is the most easily recognised
    2. dark tail
    3. with the South American leopard
    4. All black jaguars or leopards,
