Monday, March 30, 2009
About the future life
And in future, people will live in electronic city and they will wear electronic clothes. They will travel to each countries by yourselves cars.
In future, human will get into problems of the planet. However, human will decide this problems. Example, if all the rivers run dry, people will invent equipment that purge the water of ocean. And human will clean the air pollution. Unfortunately, most of the animals will die.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
bagshaaaaa future life
Friday, March 27, 2009
Forerunners to production vehicles, technological showcases or purely objects of fascination: the world of concept cars is rich in diversity. There is a common aim, however: giving a glimpse of the future of motoring whilst stirring the imagination. A flashback to the history of concepts cars.
The design of a car is always accompanied from the very start by major studies in technology and styling. Aside from production vehicles, this research is reflected more and more, from the 60's and 70's, in the creation of concept cars. Created to be displayed at international motorshows, these unique vehicles bring together the expertise, creativity and values of a vehicle manufacturer. A powerful means of projecting an image, concept cars are a means of communication in themselves, generating fame and popularity for the manufacturer.
A multifaceted aim
Peugeot's creations of the past twenty years illustrate perfectly the many facets of a concept car. A concept can serve as a “teaser”, to give a glimpse of the features of a future production model, and as a result will test the reactions of the press and the public. The Peugeot Oxia (1988), which unveiled the styling features of the 605, is a prime example of this.
Innovation being at the heart of automotive design at PSA Peugeot Citroën, concept cars are an ideal means of promoting the new technological solutions of the group. With Peugeot, the demonstrators H2O and QUARK were designed to present the group's research in the field of fuel cells.
Free from the majority of economic and technological constraints tied to full-scale production, the creators of concepts are free to unleash their imagination and creativity. One of the best examples of this are the “showcars”, whose purpose is to capture the imagination with their lines or mechanics.
The service at Paul's is better than the service at Ed's.
2. The food at Paul's restaurant is not as tasty as at Ed's.
3. The food at Paul's restaurant is more expensive than the food at Ed's.
The food at Ed's restaurant is not as expensive as at Paul's.
4. The atmosphere at Paul's restaurant is not as friendly as at Ed's.
The atmosphere at Ed's restaurant is more friendly than at Paul's.
5. The decor Ed's restaurant is not as luxurious as at Paul's.
The decor Paul's restaurant is more luxurious than at Ed's.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
About paul's and Ed's restaurant
Paul's and Ed's restaurant
The service at Paul's is better than the service at Ed's.
2. The food at Paul's restaurant is not as tasty as at Ed's.
3. The food at Paul's restaurant is more expensive than the food at Ed's.
The food at Ed's restaurant is not as expensive as at Paul's.
4. The atmosphere at Paul's restaurant is not as friendly as at Ed's.
The atmosphere at Ed's restaurant is more friendly than at Paul's.
5. The decor Ed's restaurant is not as luxurious as at Paul's.
The decor Paul's restaurant is more luxurious than at Ed's.
The service at Ed's restaurant is not as good as at Paul's. However, the food at Paul's restaurant is not as tasty as at Ed's. And the food at Paul's restaurant is more expensive than the food at Ed's. But the atmosphere at Paul's restaurant is not as friendly as at Ed's. And the decor Paul's restaurant is more luxurious than at Ed's.
bagshaa future life
bagshaaa 87r huudasnii daalgavar
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Page №87 Ex 12 "Paul and Ed's restaurant"
The service at Ed's restaurant is not as good as at Paul's.
The service at Paul's is better than the service at Ed's.
The food at Paul's restaurant is as tasty as Ed's.
The food at Paul's is not worse than the the food at Ed's.
But, the food at Paul's is more expensive than Ed's.
However, the atmosphere of Paul's is not as friendly as at Ed's.
The atmosphere at Ed's is more friendly than Paul's.
Also, the decor at Ed's restaurant is not as luxurious as at Paul's restaurant.
The decor at Paul's is more luxurious than the decor at Ed's.
Monday, March 23, 2009
bagsha ene ex-12 Paul and Ed's restaurant
2. The food at Paul's restaurant is more expensive than Ed's.
3. The Ed's restaurant is less expensive than Paul's.
4. The service at Ed's restaurant is more friendly than Paul's.
5. The Paul's restaurant is not as friendly as Ed's.
6. The decor at Ed's restaurant is less luxurious than Paul's.
7. The decor at Paul's restaurant is more luxurious than Ed's.

- The food at Ed's restaurant is as same as at Paul's. The food at Paul's restaurant is same taste.
- The price at Paul's restaurant is as expensive as at Ed's. The price at Paul's is more expensive than Ed's.
- The atmosphere at Paul's restaurant is as friendly as at Ed's. The atmosphere at Paul's is more expensive than Ed's.
- The decor at Ed's restaurant isn't as luxurious as at Paul's restaurant. The decor at Paul's restaurant is more luxurious than Ed's.
huudas 87 ex12
The food at Paul's restaurant is as tasty as Ed's.The food at Paul's is not worse than the the food at Ed's.
But,the food at Paul's is more expensive than Ed's.
However,the atmosphere of Paul's is not as friendly as at Ed's.The atmosphere at Ed's is more friendly than Paul's.
Also,The decor at Ed's restaurant is not as luxurious as at Paul's restaurant.The decor at Paul's is more luxurious than the decor at Ed's.
Advantages and disadvantages of Journalist
bagshaa unit 19iin 12 shuu
bagshaa 87r huudasnii daalgavar
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Profession of fire fighter
However there are disadvantages to becoming a fire fighter. Firstly, This job is a dangerous job because you might get burnt. In addition to it's a tiring job as you have to stand on your feel all day. And it takes a lot of physical strenght. Also I think Nowdays in Mongolia a fire fighter's salary isn't enough for their lives.
Parlamentiin metgeltseenii undesnii avraga shalgaruulah temtseen!

giant panda
The Giant Panda has a body shape typical of bears. It has black fur on its ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. The rest of the animal's coat is white. Although scientists do not know why these unusual bears are black and white, some speculate that the bold coloring provides effective camouflage into its shade-dappled snowy and rocky surroundings. The Giant Panda's thick, wooly coat keeps it warm in the cool forests of its habitat. The Giant Panda has large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles for crushing tough bamboo.
The Giant Panda has a paw, with a "thumb" and five fingers; the "thumb" is actually a modified sesamoidbone, which helps the Giant Panda to hold bamboo while eating. Stephen Jay Gould used this example in his book of essays concerned with evolution and biology, The Panda's Thumb.
The Giant Panda has the second longest tail in the bear family, with one that is 4-6 inches (150 mm) long. The longest belongs to the Sloth Bear.The Giant Panda can usually live to be 25-30 years old in captivity.
nuguu sonsgol ni
Saturday, March 21, 2009
amitni tuhai
Friday, March 20, 2009
Pigs, also called hogs or swine, are a genus of even-toed ungulates within the family Suidae. The name pig, hog, or swine most commonly refers to the Domestic pig in everyday parlance, but technically encompasses several distinct species, including the Wild Boar. With around 2 billion on the planet, domestic pigs are also by far the most numerous pig species. Pigs are omnivores, and despite their reputation for gluttony, they are generally social and intelligent animals.
About animals
Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in seventeen genera. They vary in size from 1.2 m and 40 kg, up to 9.5 m and 10 tonnes. They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. The family Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacea, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are considered to be amongst the most intelligent of animals and their often friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
bagshaa ene amitani tuhai zoxion bichleg ni shvvvv
sonsgol ni shvvvvv bagshaa
bagshaa ene ajiliin tuhai zoxion bichleg ni shvvvv
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
About my job
This job is very interesting. Journalists meet many famous people and get lots of public attention. Also it's very sociable job as meet many new people. They operative delivered information and breeze to nation and legalized social's bad and good item. Due to nation talked " Journalists is doctor of social" .
On the other hand journalist have a very tiring job because they have to travel a great interview and often have to perform late at night. Their live always stressful and hard working long time. However I love this job. My classmates like too. Good luck all.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
lesson 1
lesson 2
This is Mandy and very goodmorning to all you lesson out the their.Today on over weekly sports programm.We've Barbara Cloony wins of instructer.And John Clarks who it tender age of 16 is the raining skateboard champion.We also have Liary Cooper who runs his own parachuting school and fox.No introducion is needed for Samuel Ball, the basketball star and teen idol.Right,Barbara: First things first what kind of equipment needed for wind-surfing? Well,a abuord of obviossly wet-suits would be also a good idea for anyone planning wind-surfing in cold water. What does this sport offer?Naturally,it's great way to keep.Also it and i find of particulary relaxed and on the other hand however wind-surfing is expensive sport.Lessons and equipment cost a lot.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Boys before flowers

hey guys, I watched a new drama in And I just want to share it!!!
Who is going to talk about her news reporter. Thank you for inviting here today Mr.Pickok. Well, first of all I’d like to say the one of the best things about being as news reporter is that so exciting. I get to travel all around the world and meet lots of people. I do interesting things too. The new stories I do are different everyday. So nothing gets boring. Of course, there are disadventages as there are with any job. It’s often very stressful we have to do everything in a very short time it can be dangerous too. Because we often have to working in place where there are wars.
Next, we have doctor Jack Charmess who is a surgeon at Branstue city hospital. Thank you for coming doctor Charmers. Thank you. Well, I must admit that I’m very well paid. That is good reason for that. The job meets a lot of skill and for that you need spend many years studying. It’s very rewarding job too. As it’s grate been able to save people’s lives. Unfortunately there are also a couple of things which I don’t like much about my job. Firstly, it’s tiring because we work long and standing hours. It can also be stressful as you are responsible for people’s lives.
Thank you, doctor Charmers.
This is Mandy. And very good morning to all you listen’s out there. Today on over weekly sports programm. We have Barbara Cluney windsurfing instractor, and John Clorans who it tender age of sixteen it is the raining skateboard champion. We also have /this/ Lary Cooper who runs his own parachuting school and fox, know /no/ introduction is needed for Samuall Bull, basketball star in teen idol.
Radio host: Right Barbara, First things first what kind of equipment is needed for windsurfing ? Barbara : Well, a board adviously a vet suit would be also a good idea for anyone who planning windsurfing in cold water.
Radio Host: A what does sport offer ?
Barbara: Naturally, it’s a great way to keep fit. And I also find it articulary relaxing on the other hand, however windsurfing is an expensive sport, lessons an equipment cost a lot.
Elephants are gregarious and form small family groups consisting of an older matriarch and several generations of relatives. These family groups are often visited by mature males, who check for females in estrus. Several interrelated family groups may inhabit an area and know each other well. When they meet at watering holes and feeding places, they greet each other affectionately. Smell is the most highly developed sense, but sound deep growling or rumbling noises is the principle means of communication. Some researchers think that each individual has its signature growl by which it can be distinguished. Elephants are extremely skillful with their trunks and are even known to paint with it! They also have an exceptional memory important to distinguish friends from enemies. If you ever hurt an elephant, he will remember it his entire life and if your paths ever cross, beware!
Who is going to talk about her news reporter. Thank you for inviting here today Mr.Pickok. Well, first of all I’d like to say the one of the best things about being as news reporter is that so exciting. I get to travel all around the world and meet lots of people. I do interesting things too. The new stories I do are different everyday. So nothing gets boring. Of course, there are disadventages as there are with any job. It’s often very stressful we have to do everything in a very short time it can be dangerous too. Because we often have to working in place where there are wars.
Next, we have doctor Jack Charmess who is a surgeon at Branstue city hospital. Thank you for coming doctor Charmers. Thank you. Well, I must admit that I’m very well paid. That is good reason for that. The job meets a lot of skill and for that you need spend many years studying. It’s very rewarding job too. As it’s grate been able to save people’s lives. Unfortunately there are also a couple of things which I don’t like much about my job. Firstly, it’s tiring because we work long and standing hours. It can also be stressful as you are responsible for people’s lives.
Thank you, doctor Charmers.
This is Mandy. And very good morning to all you listen’s out there. Today on over weekly sports programm. We have Barbara Cluney windsurfing instractor, and John Clorans who it tender age of sixteen it is the raining skateboard champion. We also have /this/ Lary Cooper who runs his own parachuting school and fox, know /no/ introduction is needed for Samuall Bull, basketball star in teen idol.
Radio host: Right Barbara, First things first what kind of equipment is needed for windsurfing ? Barbara : Well, a board adviously a vet suit would be also a good idea for anyone who planning windsurfing in cold water.
Radio Host: A what does sport offer ?
Barbara: Naturally, it’s a great way to keep fit. And I also find it articulary relaxing on the other hand, however windsurfing is an expensive sport, lessons an equipment cost a lot.
Elephants are gregarious and form small family groups consisting of an older matriarch and several generations of relatives. These family groups are often visited by mature males, who check for females in estrus. Several interrelated family groups may inhabit an area and know each other well. When they meet at watering holes and feeding places, they greet each other affectionately. Smell is the most highly developed sense, but sound deep growling or rumbling noises is the principle means of communication. Some researchers think that each individual has its signature growl by which it can be distinguished. Elephants are extremely skillful with their trunks and are even known to paint with it! They also have an exceptional memory important to distinguish friends from enemies. If you ever hurt an elephant, he will remember it his entire life and if your paths ever cross, beware!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
esse. If i were a teacher
-Well, first of all i*d like to say one of the best things about being newsreporter , with its so exciting !I get to travel all around the world , i met lots of people .I do interesting things too . The new stories i do different every day . So , nothing gets boring ofcourse there are disadventages as there are with any job.
Its often very stressfull we have to do every thing . Baucause we often have to work in a place where there are wars. Thank you Mr.Banna.
The next we have doctor Jeff Charmers who is a surgeon at Branch city hospital.
Thanks for coming Mr.Charmers.
Thank you Well must admit that I*m well paid. With this good reason for that the job neds a lot of skills and for that you need spend many years studying, its a very rewarding job too . As its great being able to people*s live . Unfortunately , they also couple of things wich i dont like much about my job. Firstly its tiring because we work long and standing hours .It cab also be stressfull you are responsible for people lives
Thank you Mr . Charmers.
sonsgol ni shuu bagshaa
-Right , Barbara
First things first what kind of equipment is needed for Wind-surfing?
-Well, a world obviously.Awet-suit would be also a good idea for anyone who planning to wind-surfing in cold water.
-What does this sport offer?
-Naturally, it s a great way to keep and i also find it particularly take relaxed.
on the other hand however wind-surfing is expensive sport.Lessons and equipment cost of a lot.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Today on over weekly sports programm.
We've Barbara Cloony wins of instructer.
And John Clarks who it tender age of 16 is the raining skateboard champion.We also have Liary Cooper who runs his own parachuting school and fox.
No introducion is needed for Samuel Ball, the basketball star and teen idol.
Right,Barbara: First things first what kind of equipment needed for wind-surfing? Well,a abuord of obviossly wet-suits would be also a good idea for anyone planning wind-surfing in cold water. What does this sport offer?
Naturally,it's great way to keep.Also it and i find of particulary relaxed and on the other hand however wind-surfing is expensive sport.
Lessons and equipment cost a lot.
The curious profession

In this world there are so many exiting profession! When a human being dream about something, it's his life and more things. And it seems a curious! If you find your dream, and live with it, you will be feeling happy. In the home, at your work or lesson, what do you usually imagine about yourself and other things belonged you? This conception is your dream. This is the enviest thing if you have a dream. Also dream can change to curios job! :) Of course curios job can give you all things you wanted!!! Well paid, happy and enjayable!!! So dream connects to curios job, it connects to happy life!
Friday, March 13, 2009
About a cute polar bear

Report 1
This is Mandy and very good morning to all you listeners out there. Today on our weekly sports programm we've Barbara Clooney, wind surfing instracture and John Klarens who it tender age of 16 is the raining skateboard champion. We also have Liary Cupa who runs his own parachuting school and fox. No introduction is needed for Sameul Bull, the basketball star and teen idol.
- Right, Barbara:
First things first what kind of equipment is needed for wind-surfing?
- Well, a word obviously. A wet-suit would be also a good idea for anyone who planning to wind-surfe in cold water.
-Naturally, it's a great way to keep and i also find it particularly take relaxing. On the other hand, however wind-surfing is expensive sport. Lessons and equipment cost a lot.
Report 2
-Well, first of all I'd like to say one of the best things about being news reporter, with it's so exciting! I get to travel all around the world, meet lots of people. I do intresting things too. The new stories I do a different everyday. So, Anothing gets boring. Of course there are disadventages as there are with any job. It's often very stressful we have to do everything. Because we often have to work in a place where there are wars.
-Tnanks, Mrs.Banna
The next we have Dr.Jeff Charmers who is a surgeon at Branch city hospital.
-Thanks for coming Mr.Charmers
-Thank you. Well must admit that I'm very well paid. With this good reason for that the job needs a lot of skills and for that you need spend many years studying. It's a very rewarding job too. As it's greate being able to save people's lives. An fortunately, there also couple of things which I don't like much about my job. Firstly it's tiring because we work long and standing hours. It can also be stressful as you're responsible for people's lives.
-Tnank you Mr.Charmers

Monkeys are broadly sudivided into the New World monkeys and Old World monkeys, two of the three groupings of simian primates (the third group being the apes). There are 264 known extant species of monkey.
The New World monkeys are classified within the parvorder Platyrrhini, whereas the Old World monkeys (superfamily Cercopithecoidea) form part of the parvorder Catarrhini, which also includes the apes. Thus, scientifically speaking, monkeys are paraphyletic (not a single coherent group), and Old World monkeys are actually more closely related to the apes than they are to the New World monkeys.
Due to its size (up to 1 m/3 ft) the Mandrill is often thought to be an ape, but it is actually an Old World monkey. Also, a few monkey species have the word "ape" in their common name.
Advantages and disadvantages of working as a psychologist in specific subfield
To begin with, working as a cross-cultural psychologist involves interaction with members from various ethnic, racial, subcultural groups. The knowledge acquired through this experience strengthens the feeling of tolerance towards others as well as reveals the differance of the perception of life accross the world. Futhermore, this kind of job can also be a motivation to explore the culture you are part of, be proud of it and manage to compare and explain its features.
On the other hand, as the above-mentioned subject investigates the similarities and differences in and across various cultures and ethnic groups it claims for much more than academic intelligence. You are obligated to cognize a complex culture from the inside, though it may sometimes be very different from yours, to understand particular subtleties and the finer points of it. You must put in lots of effort and strengh if you want to become a good psychologist. Even a small misunderstanding can lead to unpleasant consequences due to simple inattention to details.
Nevertheless, despite cross-cultural psychology may look like a tough one, I admire it a lot as it offers the possibility to expand your horizon, ensures active and vital life-style and provides thrilling and exciting way of learning.
Another report
Choose profession
Unfortunately, my grandpa and grandmo disagree this idea.
If I choose this profession, I study foriegn school. To be a good cook means to be a highly educated person and to know a lot. And evrey day I reflect about new things...(food idea)
Nowadays health is one of the most important matter. So, we must use a healthy food.
I devote a healthy and delicious food for everybody in my aim.
Dictation №2
Right, Barbara: First things first what kind of equipment needed for wind-surfing? Well, about of obviously wet-suits would be also a good idea for anyone planning wind-surfing in cold water. What does this sport offer? Naturally, it's great way to keep. Also it and i find of particularly relaxed and on the other hand however wind-surfing is expensive sport. Lessons and equipment cost a lot.
Black Rhino
The overall life span of the Black rhino is between 25 - 40 years, in captivity they live a little longer because they are more protected - usually to about 45 years old.Okey,it’s little news of Black rhino.
advantages and disadvantages DOCTOR
Advantages and disadvantages of being a doctor
Advantages and disadvantages of being a
Some people think it’s a difficult job. We must remember a lot of names, entries etc. But really it’s a very satisfying and interesting job. It is not very good, but it isn’t very bad. There are some arguments in favour of working as a doctor. We know a lot of medicines, treatment means, which can be useable any minute now. We also meet a lot of people in hospital. We can talk and introduce with them. We can say it’s a somewhat sociable work. It is also a rewarding job, because doctors help sick or injured people to recover. In addition, doctors are rarely out of work, because there is always demand for people to treat the sick or injured. We can’t say this work is without disadvantages. Firstly, it’s a tiring job as doctors work shifts and often work at night. In addition, it can be depressing as they often see people suffering. Furthermore, mentally it’s a very difficult job. For example, we must sometimes say someone that To conclude, it’s a very difficult job. For someone it is pouncing on deep water. Although it is very difficult, it is well worth it, because it is very rewarding job. |
Wolf (animal), carnivore related to the jackal and domestic dog.
All wolves are characterized by powerful teeth, bushy tails, and round pupils. Certain characteristics of the skull distinguish them from domestic dogs, some breeds of which they otherwise resemble.
There are two species of wolves: the gray, or timber, wolf, once widely distributed but now found only in Canada, Alaska, and northern Europe and Russia, except for a few isolated packs in other regions; and the res wolf, found only in Texas and the southeastern United States.
An adult gray wolf measures up to 2 m (6.5 ft) in length, including the tail (less than half the body length), and weighs up to 80 kg.
сонгол сэдэв2
сонсгол сэдэв
Next we have doctor Jack Charmers who is surgeon at Branstwe city hospital. Thank you doctor Charmers. Thank you. Well I must admit that I’m very well paid. That is a good reason for that. The job needs a lot of skill and for that you need spend many years studying. It’s very rewarding job too. As it’s grate been able to save people’s lives. Unfortunately, there also a couple of things which I don’t like much about my job. Firstly, it’s tiring because we work long and standing hours. It can also be stressful as you are responsible for people’s lives. Thank you doctor Charmers.
мэргэжлийн давуу ба сул тал
Many people don't like the policemen. Some think that their job is simple and not much different form any other. In reality, it is a very hard, demanding and exhausting job. It has many good and bad sides.
Being a policeman is very interesting. Each day looks different form the other. You never know, what may happen and what you will have to do. One day a policeman may control the drivers and the other- look for the murderer. This work is also very exciting. You have to deal with many different crimes and you have to watch people and take care if they follow the legal rules. A policeman has much power over others. He can punish others and tell them what to do. He is responsible for the right order of our lives. Such job may certainly be very satisfactory. If someone is a good policeman, he can be really proud of himself.
Nevertheless, working as a policeman is also dangerous and in many aspects disadvantageous. It is connected with great stress and responsibility. One has to give protection to others, but he is not always safe himself. A person, who wants to be a policeman should be very brave, strong, alert and careful. He or she has to be ready for any kind of unexpected events, that can arise. All policemen have to constantly rise their qualifications. They need to have several special skills. Sometimes it is exhausting, because policemen have to work long hours, they have to do many dangerous things and, what seems worse, in Poland they do not earn much money for their work.
Summing up, working as a policeman is very tiring, difficult and stressful. Every single day one is exposed to great danger. If you want to be a policeman, you have to learn and train hard and be ready to sacrifice your life to your job.
нөгөө сонсгол нь:
advantages and disadvantages Doctor
Like Profession
If I choose this profession, I'd study foriegn school. To be a good cook to be a means to be a highly educated person and to know a lot. Every day I reflect new things...(food idea)
Nowadays health is one of the most important matter. So, we must use a healthy food. I devote to a healthy and delicious food for everybody in my aim.
bagshaa sonsgol
bagsha sonsgol
About Panda

The Giant Panda is a mammal classified in the bear family. Native to centralwestern and souhtwestern China. The Giant Panda was previously thought to be a member of the Procyonidae family. It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and ecross its round body. Though belonging to the order Carnivora, the Giant Panda has a diet which is 99% bamboo. The Giant panda may eat other foods such as honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, and bananas when available.
the Giant Panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. It once lived in lowland areas, but farming, forest clearong and other development now restrict the Giant Panda to the mountains.
Police are government officerc who enforce the law and maintain order. They work to prevent crime and to protect the lives and property of the people of a community. In spite of the fact, police officers direct traffic to keep it running smoothly and safely. The police are often called to settle quarrels,find lost people,and aid accident victims. During floods,fires,and otherdisasters,theyhelp provide shelters,transportation,and protection for victims.
Dictation №1
Next we have doctor Jack Charmers who is surgeon at Branstwe city hospital. Thank you doctor Charmers. Thank you. Well I must admit that I’m very well paid. That is a good reason for that. The job needs a lot of skill and for that you need spend many years studying. It’s very rewarding job too. As it’s grate been able to save people’s lives. Unfortunately, there also a couple of things which I don’t like much about my job. Firstly, it’s tiring because we work long and standing hours. It can also be stressful as you are responsible for people’s lives. Thank you doctor Charmers.
Bear is a large powerful animal with thick shaggy fur. Most bear species also eat including fruit,leavs,insects,and fish. The Alaskan brown bear is the largest carnival that lives on land. It grous about 9feet long and may weigh up to 1.700pounds. Most wild bears live north of the equator. they are found in Asia, Europe,and North America, and in the Arctic near the North Pole. Bears have small eyes and cannot see wall. Their small ,rounded ears stand straight up, but tgey hear only fairly well. They have an excellent sesnse of smell. Bears have short,strong legs and large feet. Each foot has five toes,and each toe ends in a long,heavy claw. A bear uses its claws to dig up roots,ants,termites,and other food,or to tear its prey. Bear are meet-eating animals,but they also eat many other kinds of food. They hunt mice,ground squirrels,and other small animals in fields and forests. Favourite foods of bears include ants,bird's eggs,and grubs. Bears usually live alone and never gather in groups. During the mating season in the summer, a male and a female bear may live together for about a month. Then the male wanders away and the female prepares a place for her cubs to be burn. Some bears spend much of the winter in a state simmilar to sleeping. Now, bears are announced in the world. Therefore hundreds of bears are hunted every year. Let's protect animals!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
About Elephant
zohion bichleg ni shvv bagshaa
tseej bichig ni bagshaa
Lion Life
Mature male lions are unique among the cat species for the thick mane of brown or black hair encircling the head and neck. Both male and female lions roar, a sound which can be heard as far as 8 km away.
Habitat:Lions are found in savannas, grasslands, dense bush and woodlands.