This is Mandy. And very good morning to all you listen’s out there. Today on over weekly sports programm. We have Barbara Cluney windsurfing instractor, and John Clorans who it tender age of sixteen it is the raining skateboard champion. We also have /this/ Lary Cooper who runs his own parachuting school and fox, know /no/ introduction is needed for Samuall Bull, basketball star in teen idol.
Radio host: Right Barbara, First things first what kind of equipment is needed for windsurfing ? Barbara : Well, a board adviously a vet suit would be also a good idea for anyone who planning windsurfing in cold water.
Radio Host: A what does sport offer ?
Barbara: Naturally, it’s a great way to keep fit. And I also find it articulary relaxing on the other hand, however windsurfing is an expensive sport, lessons an equipment cost a lot.